Taking in the Green, amidst all the White

It’s been almost six months since I moved to Syracuse. Currently, the temperature reads -17C on The Weather Channel, with a real feel of -27C and wind speed of 19MPH.


Weather updates?

Never thought a blog post could begin with that? Well, welcome to Syracuse then. It seems to have a weather of its own and therefore when you choose to live here, pay heed to the weather updates.

Among the many things that I learnt in the land of the ‘melting pot’, one is definitely how to keep warm. As one of my doctoral colleagues pointed out with a smile one day – “for a person coming from a tropical climate, you own an awful lot of winter coats.” I hate being monotonous and ensure I have formal, informal, social and what-not coats and jackets. After all, it isn’t a tropical climate and I don’t really get to show off my fabulous kurtis anymore.

But is Syracuse nothing but cold?

Nah! Wait till I fill you in on where all I have been up and down to 🙂

Apart from Syracuse University (which is by the way, the most important and beautiful place in this city and am not bragging), there are the numerous lakes. While the Great Lakes require quite a few hours to reach, the local ones are big enough to be a wonder on their own.

Green Lakes happened to be one of my first destinations when I came in. The Fall colors were just coming along when I visited the Lake for the very first time. Considering it’s only on Fridays that everyone gets a breather and only after school hours that grad students dare to step out, it was almost evening when we headed over to the Green Lakes State Park at Fayetteville, North-East of Syracuse.

Green Lakes

Green Lakes

While the sun was just setting, we had reached the Green Lakes to catch the last of the people who were at the beach playing around. And I found a new definition of a beach, which is, not only seas and oceans have beach but even large lakes have small beach. We walked across the sandy beach and into the upland forest covered with hiking trails. Following the trail along the lake’s boundaries we reached perhaps a perfect spot for some quiet time. Even though it was five of us, silence prevailed once we entered the dark woods. Some boats drifted by us in the lakes, and someone bounced off and had a splash. Yes, one can also swim in the Lakes. Awesome, right?

Perfect spot @Green Lakes, NY
Perfect spot @Green Lakes, NY

What mesmerised me further was the reason behind the Lakes being green in color. A Meromictic Lake, it is one of those few lakes across the world where the upper and lower water layers do not mix, or experience a turnover. The properties of the layers along with the geographical locations of being in a basin and covered by dense forests all around are supposed to help prevent such turnovers. It also has a partner in Round Lakes, and these two glacial lakes were formed some 150,000 years ago at the end of the Ice Age. Beat that sloth!

I was spellbound by the turquoise color, which doesn’t change with the seasons but remains the same. A lot of Physics involved there and I was back to brushing up my reflection and refraction knowledge. However, serene, calm and beautiful, it pulled me back again and again over the Fall till the snow came in.

Why is it Green?
Why is it Green?

the story behind Green Lakes

Now, am just dying for the snow to melt away, so that I can see all the greens around me again. However, for those around Syracuse or in upstate New York, even during these crazy winter months the Green Lakes State Parks holds some amazing events. So keep a watch.

And while I wait for the snow to melt, I might as well accustom myself to the flurry, squall, blizzard, snowburst, blowing snow, drifting snow… and all those various kinds of dreadful snow that makes you cry and yet marvel at all the whiteness around you (but from only within the safe havens of your house or car). Make sure you enjoy the Sun wherever you are. Some for yourself, and some for me! I will be back soon with more on Syracuse and my US travails as and when they happen.

Let's Take a While and REflect...
Let’s Take a While and REflect…

PS: Keep an eye out for my NYC post. Managed quite a lot in little less than 48hours 🙂

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