ABQ to Death Valley – Part 2: The adventure just got more interesting

I have taken a really long time to come around and write this post. Mostly because I wasn’t in the right mental space for the past year or so [if you ask around, probably no one has been for quite some time given the state of global affairs]. Furthermore, I hit the much-heard-of-but-never-experienced-before “writer’s block”…

ABQ to Death Valley – Part 1: Let the adventure-moon begin

Most couples follow-up their marriage ceremony with a honeymoon. Essentially a holiday to take a break from all the stress that followed them for all the months up to the D-day. Some time off to get to know each other, more intimately, and enjoy one of the biggest life decisions made. But that was not…

It was a year ago, today, when I first came to the US…

A year ago, today was the day that I first stepped on to the soil of the United States of America. It’s uncanny how I still remember every little detail of that day. Perhaps it was the best and perhaps it was the worst, yet it was one day I remember so well, just to…

Taking in the Green, amidst all the White

It’s been almost six months since I moved to Syracuse. Currently, the temperature reads -17C on The Weather Channel, with a real feel of -27C and wind speed of 19MPH. Phew! Weather updates? Never thought a blog post could begin with that? Well, welcome to Syracuse then. It seems to have a weather of its…

Of Burritos and black beans

One of the first eat-stops I made in Syracuse was The Mission restaurant. I didn’t even know that this quaint little restaurant was there. For that matter, I hadn’t heard of any good place in Syracuse beyond Dino BBQ at that point of time (for that matter, Dino BBQ remains to be explored even now)….

New place, new beginnings :)

I had been preparing for this move for days, in fact months now. Yet, here I stand, strangely wishing I could just run back home. Was the move not worth it? Confused? Well, let me start from the very beginning. Offered a PhD fellowship from a well known US university, I grabbed the opportunity that…